7 Steps To Profits
PALs will guide you to profits by giving you the tools to ensure your revenue is greater than your operating costs. The common denominator between service revenue and service costs, is minutes. By converting both revenue and costs in to minute level increments, PALs will put you on the path to profitability.
- Using PALs Pricing Tool, Calculate Cost Of "Per 15 Minutes Of Staff Time (Adding In ROI & Shift Productivity)
- Price Services Based On "Per 15 Minutes Of Care"
- Assess Resident's Need For Services Provided
- Input Services
- Print Shift Assignment Sheets
- Document Services/Staff Charting
- Create Staff Work Schedule To Conform With Shift Productivity* Used In Step 1
*Shift Productivity = Direct Care Hours/Shift Hours ( For Example: 6 Hours Of Direct Care During An 8 Hour Shift - 6/8 = 75% Shift Productivity)
Management Dashboard
Based on the data you input, PALs automatically generates reports that help you monitor key indicators that your success hinges upon. Track shift productivity, prevent service creep, and help align incentives between staff and management. Staff is given an incentive to report additional services (more minutes), so their shift hours accomodate their workload. Management is given an incentive to ensure sufficent staff are working since they are now reveue generators contributing both to overhead and ROI.